• Unlimited Leave
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  • 🎛️ 28 new ways to screw with your developers

🎛️ 28 new ways to screw with your developers

Control Tower Launches new proactive controls

Happy Memorial Day weekend. This is Unlimited Leave, the AWS Management and Governance newsletter reminding you (if you’re in the US) to enjoy that burger or brat and a cold one on your day off. Don’t let anyone guilt you into thinking Memorial Day is just supposed to be about remembering the fallen.

That’s BS. Cheers them and continue to celebrate the freedom we have.

They perished so we can all do just that.

This week's topics

Very light on the content this week.

  • New Control Tower Control

  • Account Cleanser with AWS NUKE

  • Greenfield Update

New Control Tower Proactive Controls

The proactive controls leverage CloudFormation Hooks (CloudFormation Guard) to prevent resources from being deployed if they do not meet compliance.

These are different than Detective Controls (AWS Config Rules) and Protective Controls (SCPs) in that resources simply won’t make it into the environment at all if they do not comply with your pre-defined definitions.

You can see where this might get a little frustrating so be sure to let your developers know when you implement these.

AWS-Samples Provides Account Cleanser

This project looks like a wrapper on the original AWS-Nuke by rebuy-de.

I’ve been toying with ways to build and while lab environments and/or Sandboxes after I came across this AWSlabs solution:

Greenfield Update

It’s starting to become apparent I may have bit off a little more with the size of this flagship course than I can handle at this stage of life and now that we are running into summer activity season.

I’m just over halfway done with the content expected for the initial launch and I’m starting to feel that I might bust the timeline.

The closer that comes to reality, I will issue refunds. I still plan to finish the course and anyone who purchased in advance will have the opportunity to rebuy at the original discounted cost when the course is complete.

For now, I’m going to power on as if everything is on schedule. The rate purchased now is the rate you’d ultimately pay if you decide to get the course in the future. That means, we’re still going up:

  • March 31st - $99

  • April 7th. - $99

  • April 14th - $99

  • April 21st - $109

  • April 28th - $119

  • May 5th - $129

  • May 12th - $149

  • May 19th - $209

Today the price increases to $229

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Disclaimer: The resources and topics shared within this newsletter are for informational use only. Any resources deployed or tools implemented are done so at your own risk. Do your research and testing before the implementation of any resource or service deployed for any workload.