ClickOps vs. Automation and Repeatability

New APIs for CloudFormation StackSets

Good day. This is Unlimited Leave, the AWS Management and Governance newsletter that recognizes it’s tough out there in IT right now.

Not only has the workload for what keeps the lights on around here been higher than normal, this week the organization I work for announced another round of layoffs knocking off roughly 12% of our Global Workforce. My team dropped from 5 to 2 with major initiatives underway.

This work takes priority over the newsletter and the Greenfield Orgs Course. I enjoy what I do daily but this newsletter and side consulting act as a pilot-light/warm standby for my career.

Saying I’m grateful to be spared is an understatement but it doesn’t come without costs. Lots of great and talented people(developers, network engineers, SREs, and more) are looking for work right now. If you have any leads please forward them over.

This week's topics

  • Management & Governance Announcements

  • Deciding when to automate

  • Refund Status for Greenfield Course

Management & Governance Announcements

Deciding when to automate

In my previous role, the organization I worked for was an AWS Managed Service Provider and Account Reseller. Every customer received their own AWS Organization even if they only needed one workload account. There were many benefits to this, but the initial setup took some time and was prone to steps being missed. There should have been only one manual step required when creating a new Organization - Deploying an execution role that was used to do everything with scripts and automation.

The reality was we couldn’t deploy stages resource until we manually clicked the Trusted Access from the CloudFormation StackSets Console. There was no (documented/supported) API. The benefit was after the account was created since we were already in the CloudFormation console deploying the template to launch our role, we just had to complete 3 additional clicks to enable the trust.

Seems easy right? Nope. There was a chicken and egg problem. First, you had to create the AWS Organization in the account to enable the Trusted Service. This could be done via CLI or script automation.

So the question becomes, at what point do you automate? Do you automate everything you can to the point you can’t, do the manual process, then pick up automation where you left off?


Do you heavily document and manually complete all steps to the point where you can do everything with automation?

In this situation at the time, it made the most sense to manually do everything past the point of automation.

You can see here, where a simple and yet trivial feature enhancement saves boatloads of manual labor and human configuration error.

Shoehorning this new API into the old process could potentially save hundreds of hours of work going forward.

Refund Status for Greenfield Course

The refunds are underway. Unfortunately, the service I am using to host the course appears to have some limitations on the number of refunds I can initiate in a given amount of time. I’ve completed exactly 50% so far and I’ve opened a support ticket to be able to complete the rest. Any hangups I will reach out to each of you individually.

A big thank you to those willing to let me hold on to your payments. At this moment it feels like the course will never get done. That will pass I know. As I stated earlier, this project is a passion as well as something I’d like to devote 100% of my time to. At the moment, that doesn’t seem like a reality so I want to make sure everyone gets their refund and has an opportunity to get the course when it is ready.

If time permits, I may modify what I’ve completed and release some of it here or on YouTube when things slow down.

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Disclaimer: The resources and topics shared within this newsletter are for informational use only. Any resources deployed or tools implemented are done so at your own risk. Do your research and testing before the implementation of any resource or service deployed for any workload.