Presale is here - Greenfield AWS Organizations Course

Sign up for early access to the AWS Organization Greenfield Course

Hello, This is Unlimited Leave, the AWS Management and Governance newsletter that takes time off too. So no announcements this week.

We’re just returning back from taking the last week off.

Milton from Office Space on beach

I spent the week on the beach with my family. I traveled with only an iPad to exercise what I share here. So far, it looks like it holds up in real life.

If you can’t leave your job for a minimum of a week at a time, there are some major hangups.

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, co-founders of 37signals, discuss this on their recent reWork Podcast episode.

Greenfield AWS Organizations Course

Get it while it’s hot.

The time has come to pre-register for the course and support the continued delivery of this email, this course, and future content.

You can click that image or this link:

For being a subscriber and registering early, you get additional benefits like:

  • copies of all the bootstrap templates and code used to deploy resources

  • Early and discounted access to all future published content

  • best-effort support from me through the community and course forum

  • and at least 50% off of the course

This is sort of a labor of love. The more I get into it, the more I wanted to charge for the content. That is only because the scope has continued to grow. So as a bonus to supporting the deployment of this course, additionally, related content and modules will be provided for free to early-access subscribers in many cases and heavily discounted for others.

Pre-sale registration will be open for a limited time. Once the pre-sale is closed, the course price will increase to an undetermined amount.

Thank you in advance for your support.

See you next week.

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Disclaimer: The resources and topics shared within this newsletter are for informational use only. Any resources deployed or tools implemented are done so at your own risk. Do your research and testing before the implementation of any resource or service deployed for any workload.